What Happens with the Suitcase that is not taken by the Passenger?

What Happens with the Suitcase that is not taken by the Passenger?

The protection of the luggage registered at the airport is carried out by the transporter or the serving organization.

The relations between passengers, transporters and luggage are regulated by the N 224-N order about “Stating the regulations of registering and serving the passengers, luggage and load at RA airports”, made on 15 December 2010 by the Head of General Department of Civil Aviation. Pursuant to the order’s point 105 of part 10 if the registered luggage, with the corresponding numbered luggage label, arrived at the airport (point) and was not taken or demanded by the passenger, the transporter provides the search of the luggage owner.

In case of a positive result of the search the transporter provides the owner’s notification, pointing the form of delivering and receiving the luggage. After sending the notification the luggage is kept for 6 months. During the search of the luggage owner, when the content of the luggage is getting spoiled or is endangered to become spoiled, the transporter is authorized to eliminate the luggage or the part of it.


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