Claims Whereto the Statute of Limitations shall not apply

Pursuant to Article 344 of the RA Civil Code, the statute of limitations shall not apply to:

(1) claims for the protection of personal non-property rights and other intangible benefits, except for the cases provided for by law;

(2) claims filed with banks by depositors for repayment of deposits;

(3) claims for compensation of the damage caused to citizen’s life or health. However, claims filed three years after the time of arising of the right for compensation of such damagefor the past period shall be satisfied for not more than three years preceding the bringing of the action;

(4) claims for elimination of each violation of the right of the owner or other possessor even if those violations have not been related to dispossession (Article 277);

(5) claims of the owner for declaring invalid the act of a state or local self-government body or the officials thereof, which has violated the owner’s rights for property possession, use and disposal;

(6) other claims defined by law.

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