Artsakh Residents who live in the Shelter were given Time to leave it: 15 Families have to leave the dilapidated Building of the Kindergarten

People forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, who found shelter in the 4th kindergarten in Masis city ofArarat Marz, are told to leave the shelter, as it must be thoroughly demolished and later operate as a kindergarten.

29 people (15 families) currently live in the building of the kindergarten.

Some of the people who were forced to leave their homes have found temporary housing, but the most vulnerable groups are still living in state and non-state funded shelters. The lack of minimum living conditions for the residents of Artsakh sheltered here also creates problems for the physical and mental health of children and the elderly.

According to Nvard Martirosyan, a social worker of the Masis municipality, initially a larger number of Artsakh citizens lived in the kindergarten, now there are around 29 people. The work of the kindergarten was stopped for renovation, but in connection with the recent developments, it was used as a temporary accommodation for Artsakh Armenians.

The European Court of Human Rights has considered the right of residence to be the most basic human need, the deprivation of which can lead to a deterioration incompatible with human dignity.

Details in the video.

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