Taron Margaryan re-elected as Mayor of Yerevan

Pursuant to Article 44 (2) of the Law of the Republic of Armenia On Local Self Government in Yerevan City: “When in result of the elections to the Council of Aldermen one of the political parties obtain more than the 50 % of the places in the Council of Aldermen, the candidate that it is in the top of the list of candidates of this party is considered as the elected mayor by operation of the law․”


Based on this norm of the law and the votes received by The Republican Party of Armenia 235 512 (55,89%) it is clear that Taron Margaryan has been re-elected Mayor of Yerevan.


Earlier, Iravaban.net had informed that the CEC had summarized the preliminary results of the elections to Yerevan Council of Aldermen.


According to the data “Prosperous Armenia” Party and “Barev Yerevan” Alliance will have representatives in Yerevan Council of Aldermen as well.


The final protocol on the elections will be compiled on 12 May, after seven days after the voting.


Source: Iravaban.net

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