“Invalid Ballot Papers” are the Third in Number

The regular Presidential Elections in the RA are completed. The Central Election Commission summarized the preliminary results of the 1988 polling stations (as of 6:00 a.m. on 19 February). The total number of voters is 2.509.958 of which 1.521.709 participated in the voting. The votes are distributed as follows:


1.    Serzh Sargsyan                     –  861 160 votes,
2.    Raffi k. Hovhannisyan           –  539 672 votes,
3.    Hrant Bagratyan                    –  31 643 votes,
4.    Paruyr Hayrikyan                  –  18 093 votes,
5.    Andrias Ghukasyan              –   8 328 votes,
6.    Vardan Sedrakyan                –   6 203 votes,
7.    Arman Melikyan                    –   3 516 votes:


It is notable that the number of invalid ballot papers is 50988, which is 3.35% of all participants. This means that the 3.35% of the voters preferred to vote for the “non-registered third candidate.”


Source: Iravaban.net

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