Powers of Two Judges terminated. Reason for Termination of Arshak Shahoyan’s Power was the Stroke

On 7 February 2013, the powers of two judges were terminated by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia. These being Arshak Shahoyan, judge of the Court of the First Instance of General Jurisdiction of Tavush marz and Sergey Aghabekyan, judge of the Court of the First Instance of General Jurisdiction of Syunik marz.


In the article “Why the Two Judges submitted Resignation Letters?” Iravaban.net had referred to this issue. Unfortunately the Council of Justice of the RA has not provided complete information on the reasons of resignation of the judges.


According to information that Edgar Karapetyan, grandson of Judge Arshak Shahoyan, the stroke was the reason for his grandfather’s resignation.

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