Today, on 18 of January, the Court started to consider the criminal case brought against Samvel Sargsyan, former police head of Ani district. He is charged under Part 2, Article 332 of the RA Criminal Code, i.e. intervention into the activities of the prosecutor, investigator or the person in charge of inquiry, with the purpose of hindrance to the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the case.
According to the indictment, on 13 September of 2012, S. Sargsyan entered into Shirak regional Division of General Investigatory Department of Police, intervened into the activities of investigator, called for his relative, witness A.G., not to give testimonies, and as a result, the witness went away from the investigator’s room without answering the questions and signing the inquiry record.
The prosecutor introduced the final part of the indictment, and the accused accepted his guilt.
Two called witnesses were present at the court session and gave testimonies.
Before the trial the defender of the accused filed a motion to cancel the selected measure of restraint (recognizance not to leave). After a 20 minute break the Court satisfied the motion and annulled the decision of investigator on the selection of a measure of restraint.
Witness Aleksanyan was not present at the court session. It was postponed and will be held on 1 February, at 14:00 p.m.
Public Correspondent
Lusaber Ter-Gevorgyan
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