Judge asked the Defendant, “Shall you acquire Defender from Supermarket?”

Today the Court of General Jurisdiction of Erebuny and Nubarashen Administrative District of Yerevan delayed the case of the soldier who died from smallpox in the army.
Minas Mkrtchyan, one of the defendants filed a motion on renouncing the defender and intention to have a new defender. He applied to the judge asking to provide reasonable terms “to acquire a new defender”. Vladimir Grigoryan the presiding judge was interested whether the defendant was going to acquire a defender from the supermarket.


Further he recommended using the word combination “to have a defender” instead of “to acquire a defender.”


The Court satisfied Minas Mkrtchyan’s motion. The next court hearing will take place on the 5th of November at 11:00 a.m. Minas Mkrtchyan’s defender shall be informed on the case when he joins the investigation of the case.



Source: Iravaban.net

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