Advocate of arman baghdasarian, defendant on “Harsnakar” case changed, the court trial delayed (photoseries)

Today the trial on “Harsnakar” case under presiding judge David Harutyunyan, should have taken place in the Court of General Jurisdiction of Avan and Nork Marsh community of Yerevan. On 2 October 2012, Arman Baghdasaryan, one of the defendants submitted written notice informing about rejection of the services of his advocate Hovhannes Harutyunyan and solicited to appoint Vagharshak Gevorgyan, member of the Chamber of Advocates of the RA as his advocate in the case.
Despite the objection of parties to the case the Court considered to appoint one more day in a week for court sittings in addition to the court sittings on Wednesdays. Thus, the court sittings were set on 10 October at 14:30 and on 22 October.


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