Secret Drive for Collection of Signatures

Recently a media outlet spread news that a drive for collection of signatures to support termination of the Board of Chamber of Advocates and to organize new elections.

The news about this drive provoked a bizarre fever in the community of advocates. Advocate Aleksander Sirunyan, who has seen and even had opportunity to express his consent on this process by signing, mentioned there was no need for making noise. “In my opinion today’s Board does not reflect the quality of the community of advocates. The Board was elected when there were about thousand people there; now the community joins over 2000 young and serious people. Isn’t it worth to hold new elections? The community of advocates has proven during these years that the fairest elections have taken place here,” the advocate mentioned.DSC02203-copy-440x293

He also noted that this does not relate to the person and position of the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates Ara Zohrabyan. “I do think that the Chairman shall stay till the end of his term, and later even be nominated again in its positive sense.”

Mr. Sirunyan did not provide information on who had initiated this drive for collection of signatures or how many people had joined it. He only added that if it did not reach the planned threshold that is 500 signatures, it is unlikely that some clear information will be provided. “When we shall have the necessary number of signatures, then naturally, it should be disclosed. This is an application where the one –fourth of the community of advocates should be. But for the present let’s consider that there is no number. When there are 500 signatures, then the corresponding people will bring and submit it to the Chamber,” he concluded.

Balyan_4587-440x293Avocate Lianna Balyan is suspicious about this process: “There is not any information about it. Collection of signature has not been carried out, no one whom I have asked is aware about it. It is strange that people speaking about the collection of signature do not want to mention any names. This gives cause to believe that they are not aware of the developments either. Bluntly speaking, the noise is raised to see whether the advocates are ready to revolution or not,” she said.

Nikolay-Baxdasaryan--440x293Advocate Nikolay Baghdasaryan, has not received any list as well. He learned about the drive for collection of signatures from media. Mr. Baghdasaryan did not exclude that such initiative might have been launched by the Chamber itself. “This is an old method to work, I cannot mention whether this exists or not. However this is also an option. I had a client who wrote complaints against himself. Inspection which followed the complaint showed that there were no violations in those periods. He did so to keep his post as long as possible. I understood later that it was he who wrote the complaints,” Mr. Baghdasaryan said.

Speaking about the Board he mentioned: “Try to find another country where a Board member would be removed from the Board. Such behavior is specific only to Armenia”.

IMG_4028-440x293Advocates Lusine Sahakyan and Yervand Varosyan circulated a statement that they did not have any connection with this drive for the collection of signatures. “People who know us are aware that in case of initiating such process, we would do it openly and announcing about it publicly. At the same time we state that taking the position of a Board Member is not an end in itself for us. Thus, the initiators of this process can apply to use freely for our signatures as well.

gyozalyan-440x293Advocate Gevorg Gyozalyan also does not think that this process of collection of signature is serious: “I think this is an intrigue spread by the media. If there is such process, first of all an agenda should be formed. The agenda should explain why this Board should be terminated and why the new one is needed. And this should be provided to the public and the advocates distinctly. In addition we also have to consider that this will be a financial burden for the community of advocates as well. Eventually we all pay for these elections,” Mr. Gyozalyan said and noted that the drive for collection of signatures should be carried out openly.


After all who will gain if the drive for collection of signatures is carried out? Martun Panosyan, Board Member of the Chamber of Advocates, characterized the happening ridiculous. He reminded that there was a precedent when the advocates were dissatisfied with the work of the Board. They invited a meeting and discussions were held. In this case the organizers of the process remain anonymous. This causes suspicion. Meanwhile, the advocate suspects the media. “Actually, today we have amuch more serious problem connected with the media and social networks. This is turning into a farce, if there are certain people, let them raise and discuss issues,” he said.

Thus, it turns out that the community of advocates has reputedly proved that it is able to carry out open and transparent elections. However, another drive for collection of signatures began, but its organizers fail to provide distinct information.

There is a famous song by Raisa Mkrtchyan: “Let my love remains secret.” However, in this case, the drive for collection of signatures has risen an incomprehensible furry. “Let my drive for collection of signature remains secret”; perhaps this is the approach adopted by the organizers.

Gevorg Tosunyan

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