Today, the pleadings on Arthur Sargsyan’s case who was accused in a large-scale misappropriation of property should have taken place in the Court of General Jurisdiction of Kentron and Nork Marash Administrative Districts of Yerevan City. The defense should hold the corresponding speech at the session.
However the court session was postponed as Hunan Babayan, the defender of the accused Arthur Sargsyan failed to appear.
The next court session will be held on 28 April.
Arthur Sargsyan has been charged for presenting himself as an official, and in some cases – as a person running a profitable entrepreneurship business abroad, and in the period of September 2008 to March 2012 committed abduction of particularly large amount of property through fraud and abuse of trust with the pretense of business deals with physical or legal entities.
According to the prosecutor’s speech, as a result of Arthur Sargsyan’s activities 10 physical and 10 companies suffered. The prosecution solicited to sentence Arthur Sargsyan 10 11 years in prison and confiscation of about 186mln AMD (415 thousand USD).
Tigranuhi Harutyunyan