On 26 October, 2014 at 22:05, Davitashen Police Department received a call from Hunan S. (DoB 1976), who informed about the banditry attack on 59/3 Davitashen district.
The RA Police informs that the operative group that arrived in place revealed that on 26 October, two unknown persons entered the house at 59/3 Davitashen district and under the threat of weapons, tied the residents of the house with a sticky tape. They demanded and took from the residents of the house Svetlana Gh (DoB 1956) and her husband Vachagan D. (Dob 1949) 2,470 Euros, 1,005 USD, 100,000 AMD, gold jeweler, and 3 cell phones causing them a material damage of 1,880,000 AMD. As a result of the undertaken measures it was revealed on 22 February 2015, that the banditry attack was initiated and organized by Arthur M. (DoB 1988). Arthur M. is arrested.
Measures are taken to the identity the second criminal and to find weapons and material evidence. The investigation is in process.