M. Vardanyan, the driver of “KAMAZ” is charged in the framework of the criminal case initiated by Shirak Marz Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee, under the provisions of Part 3 of Article 242 of the RA Criminal Code for the traffic accident with tragic outcome that took place on 10 November 2014 in Shirak Marz.
According to the evidence, on 10 November 2014, at 19:15pm, M. Vardanyan, driver of “MX-Group” LLC on the truck “KAMAZ-53202”, with plate number 533TS61 in violation of the requirements of the Paragraph 96 f the RA Traffic Rules, form #1, the road sign 2,5 and the requirements of Clause 3 of Article 23 of the RA Law on the Road Traffic Safety (to make way on the crossroad for the transportation mean on the main road while driving on the secondary road, as well as to stop near the edge of the crossroad), created an emergency situation, entered the crossroad and came into collision with the minibus “GAZ-32213” with the plate number 0811 L of the rout No 359 Yerevan – Gyumri, driver Razmik Mkrtchyan.
As a result of the accident the minibus was burned down, causing the death of 7 people (the driver and passengers) and injuries of 7 other passengers, which with the injuries of different degree burns, were transported to “Gyumri Medical Center” CJSC.
Arrest as a precautionary measure was applied for M.Vardanyan. Investigation is in process.
Note: The suspect or the accused of the alleged offence is deemed innocent unless his or her innocence is proved by virtue of the effective court verdict in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.