The operational checks of programme performance showed that the contract liabilities were not properly performed by Safege S.A (France) and Eptisa Inc. (Spain) providing consultancy services.
In fact, no quality control of works was carried out. The works performed did not comply with the norms and quality standards defined by technical specifications, as well as by US ASSHTO and British BS standards. The pace of works had slowed down and the quality had decreased.
In the result of CoC audit the granulometric composition of the material used for subbase was brought into compliance with technical specifications. As for the breach of technological order in laying out the crushed stone in the fundament, the project management consultant changed the technological order of laying the crushed stone. In the result, it is expected that the value of the contract on implementation the mentioned activities will reduce.
The irregularities recorded in the Projects on Reconstruction, Maintenance and Exploitation of Roads of National Importance, Transport Objects, Improvement of lifeline roads are basically of similar character and have many common features. In the executive acts on construction and reconstruction activities, excess works of a total value of 12,309.0 thousand AMD were estimated to exceed the volume of actually performed works. Extra expenses on maintenance of roads (summer and routine maintenance) has made up 15,741.0 thousand AMD.
As for financial irregularities, it is necessary to mention that in the reporting year spot check of works of a total value of 3,877,448.4 thousand AMD were carried out in the RA Ministry of Transport and Communication and upward distortion of 28.051.3 thousand AMD was detected. Just for reference, it should be noted that the mentioned indicator for the previous year was higher.
However the analysis carried out by CoC indicates that there are serious risks in the sphere of road construction, reflected and reverberated particularly at the stage of preparation of design and estimate documentation. CoC sees the 19% reduction in excessive interest rates applied for direct expenses as the main way of settling the existing problem.
Details in the 2013 Report of the Control Chamber.