A number of customs violation cases detected

The Pre-release Control Department of the Ministry of Finance detected 15 cases of customs violation during January-August 2014 at Bagratashen Customs Checkpoint. Moreover, statistics show that the smugglers attempted to bypass customs control by employing different methods each time. Thus, by the inspection of different cars the department employees detected over 330 cell phones of various models from specially designed hiding places, including the gas tank, the petrol tank, the spare tyre, the seat, the trunk bottom. Recently about 50kg of various medicines and cosmetic items were seized from similar hiding places. Over the last days the department officers seized by x-ray scanning about 400kg of car spare parts from a trunk bottom. The attempts of exporting about 30 thousand boxes of cigarette were also prevented by carried out operational-investigation activities. Moreover, here not only the trunks of the buses travelling to Russia, but also their water closet parts were turned into smuggling storages. By another case about 110kg of various washing powders and liquids were seized again from the trunk bottom. At Bagratashen Customs Checkpoint the department officers handled also cases of attempt of illegal import of cars: an attempt of importing a car without declaration via replacing the foreign plate number with a local one was prevented. By the way, early this year it was at Bagratashen Checkpoint that there arose certain suspicions regarding the truck that attempted to transport 1 tons of heroin.


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