During September 1-10 the Ministry of Finance continued carrying out tax control activities in the areas of misdeclarations of turnovers and prices, discovering unregistered employees, etc, with respect to taxpayers, who hadn’t accepted the requirement to improve tax discipline indicators or who presented unjustified explanations. As a result of tax control aimed at discovering facts of assisting the non-performance of tax liabilities of other taxpayers in the area of undocumented transactions, a preliminary assessment of additional tax liabilities amounting to 23M drams was made with respect to 3 taxpayers during the first ten days of September and the materials were sent to the Violations Detection and Administrative Proceedings Implementation Department. This concerns the following companies: Talgrig (12M drams), Gomp (7.3M drams) and East Tiger Holding (3.7M drams).
A total of 12 audits of relations with the budget completed in the accounting ten days allowed to record 731M drams of additional tax liabilities. The audits carried out in the following companies are especially worth mentioning: Yerevan Beer CJSC (653.6M drams), Bever Computer LLC (21.7M drams), Suren Avetisyan CJSC (15.2M drams), ASEDL (14.2M drams), etc.
For the purpose of auditing turnovers, prices and inventory, measurements were carried out with respect to 47 taxpayers, control purchases with respect to 18 taxpayers and audits of compliance with cash register operation rules with respect to 20 taxpayers (penalties in the amount of 3.3M drams were recorded). The performed measurements allowed to record an increase of turnovers of about 110M drams and to preliminarily assess additional tax of about 10.4M drams as compared with the past period. The measurements carried out with respect to Slav Group and Convect are worth mentioning: here deficit of end products and inventory was detected and additional tax of 3M and 2M drams respectively was set forth.
In general during the 1st ten days of September the activity and control operations carried out by RA MF resulted in generating about 857.2M drams of additional tax liability.
Details in the official website of the RA Tax Service.