Guidelines for the Use of the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Armenia

This legal analysis by presents a comprehensive guide for the use of the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia. The guide aims to ensure the correct and legal use of the RA coat of arms by state bodies, organizations, and citizens. It provides detailed information on permissible cases of coat of arms use, prohibited uses, as well as peculiarities of its application in an international context. This guide aims to promote the dignified and unified use of the RA state symbol, reinforcing its significance as a symbol of statehood and national identity.


The coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia is a state symbol, the use of which is regulated by the RA Law “On the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Armenia” (hereinafter: the Law) and the RA Government Decision No. 1941-N of December 21, 2006 (hereinafter: the Decision).

Permissible Cases of Coat of Arms Use

According to the Law and the Decision, the RA coat of arms can be used in the following cases:

1. On State Documents and Materials:

1.1. On the laws of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 4, Part 1), 

1.2. On the decrees and orders of the President of the Republic (Law, Article 4, Part 1), 

1.3. On the decisions of the National Assembly, Government, Prime Minister, Constitutional Court (Law, Article 4, Part 1), 

1.4. On court decisions, verdicts, and judgments (Law, Article 4, Part 1), 

1.5. On the official gazettes of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 4, Part 1), 

1.6. On the letterheads of state bodies (Law, Article 4, Part 1), 

1.7. On passports or other identification documents of citizens of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 4, Part 2), 

1.8. On the seals and letterheads of those state and local self-government bodies of the Republic of Armenia that are entitled by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia to use the image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 4, Part 2),

2. In State Buildings and Institutions:

2.1. In the offices of the President of the Republic, the Chairman of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the President of the Constitutional Court, and other high-ranking officials (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

2.2. In the session hall of the National Assembly (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

2.3. In the session hall of the Government (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

2.4. In the courtrooms of courts (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

2.5. In the ceremonial halls of civil registry offices (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

2.6. On the facade of state buildings (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

2.7. On the buildings of the diplomatic service bodies of the Republic of Armenia and in the offices of their heads (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 2.8. In one of the halls or lobbies of educational institutions (Law, Article 5, Part 1),

3. At the State Border:

3.1. On main border signs (Law, Article 5, Part 2), 

3.2. At checkpoints on the state border of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 5, Part 2),

4. In the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies:

4.1. On the flags of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, the border troops of the National Security Service, and the rescue service (Law, Article 7), 

4.2. On the insignia of the Police troops, penitentiary officers, rescue service officers, military personnel, and the rank and file and leadership of the Police (Law, Article 7),

5. On State Symbols:

5.1. On the monetary units, orders, and medals of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 8),

6. During State and Public Events:

6.1. During state events (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 1), 

6.2. In the advertising of state events: on posters, in videos, on billboard lightboxes, and in mass media (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 2), 

6.3. During gatherings, conferences, competitions of international and republican significance, as well as memorial tournaments and other events (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 3), 

6.4. When preparing badges, souvenirs, shirts, sports uniforms for state and official events of the Republic of Armenia (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 4),

7. For Educational and Cultural Purposes:

7.1. On plaques attached to immovable monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Armenia, information booklets, and guides (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 5), 

7.2. In higher educational institutions, general education schools, regardless of the form of ownership, during the performance of the anthem as provided by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Anthem of the Republic of Armenia” (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 6),

8. In Mass Media:

8.1. On the official websites of the Republic of Armenia (Law, Article 5, Part 1), 

8.2. On all TV channels, regardless of the form of ownership, during the performance of the anthem as provided by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Anthem of the Republic of Armenia” (Decision, Annex, Clause 1, Subclause 7).

Use of the Coat of Arms with the Coat of Arms of a Foreign State

According to Article 6 of the Law:

  1. When placing the RA coat of arms simultaneously with the coat of arms of a foreign state on the territory of the RA: a) The dimensions of the state coats of arms of other states cannot exceed the dimensions of the RA coat of arms. b) The RA coat of arms cannot be placed lower than the coat of arms of a foreign state.
  2. In case of simultaneous placement: a) The RA coat of arms should be placed on the left side of the given building (facing that building). b) In case of an odd number of coats of arms, the RA coat of arms should be placed in the middle of them. c) In case of an even number (more than 2) of coats of arms, the RA coat of arms should be placed to the left of the center.

Use of the Coat of Arms in International Programs and with Logos of Non-State Organizations

The Law and the Decision do not directly regulate the use of the coat of arms with logos of international organizations or non-state organizations. However, considering the general provisions of the Law and the Decision, the following can be concluded:

  1. The use of the RA coat of arms in international programs or with logos of non-state organizations is not prohibited if it occurs in cases permitted by the Law and the Decision (for example, during gatherings of international significance).
  2. However, one should take into account Subclause 3 of Clause 2 of the Annex to the Decision, which prohibits the use of the RA coat of arms in advertising posters, videos, and billboards of non-state bodies.
  3. When using the RA coat of arms, the principles set out in Article 6 of the Law regarding sizes and placement must be observed.
  4. The Law and the Decision do not establish a special permission or coordination process for the use of the RA coat of arms in international programs or with logos of non-state organizations. However, given the importance of the coat of arms as a state symbol, it is advised to consult with the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs in such cases to ensure its proper use and compliance with current legislation.

Prohibited Cases of Coat of Arms Use

According to Clause 2 of the Annex to the Decision, the image of the RA coat of arms cannot be used:

  1. On clothing and accessories reminiscent of military, police, national security service, and other state service uniforms, which due to their similarity may cause confusion.
  2. On seals, letterheads, documents, except for cases provided by the RA legislation.
  3. In advertising posters, videos, and billboards of non-state bodies.

Improper use of the coat of arms may result in liability in accordance with the procedure established by RA legislation (Law, Article 9).

For questions or additional information, please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

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