A Number of Communities of Lori and Tavush Marzes and their Territories have been defined: Disaster Zones have been declared

Disaster zones have been declared in a number of communities of Lori and Tavush marzes as a result of the emergency situation caused by floods as the result of heavy rains that fell on 25-26 May.

According to the Government’s decision, the territories of the disaster zones have been defined.
The organization of the basic measures for the protection of the population is carried out by the operational working group (headquarters) created by the decision No. 492-A of 26 May, 2024 of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.

The operational working group (headquarters) will organize the implementation of the necessary basic measures for the protection of the population defined by the Article 5, Part 1 of the Law “On the Protection of the Population in Emergency Situations”.


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