On 9 March, the appeal of Suzanna Patvakanyan, the parent who lost her child, was examined in the Criminal Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction of Yerevan. It was brought against the decision of the prosecutor’s office to refuse to initiate proceedings as a result of the newly appeared circumstance. The representative of the prosecution did not appear at the court session.
The presiding Judge Adrine Ghukasyan clarified for the appellant that the investigation of the case will be carried out according to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code adopted on 1 June, 1998. According to the transitional provisions, the judicial control over the pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases initiated before the entry into force of the new code is carried out in the order in fodce until 1 July, 2022.
Arayik Papikyan, the lawyer of Syuzanna Patvakanyan, mentioned that there are interested persons who should be notified about court hearings. “In our opinion, 2-3 persons should be notified. They are the child and his adopters.
In the meeting hall, Suzanna Patvakanyan announced that the adoptive mother is in the USA with her daughter, and the father is in Armenia. “I have found my baby. Kid traffickers should not go unpunished, everyone should be punished.”
In order to avoid publishing the complaint twice and to use the time more optimally, the presiding judge decided to postpone the court session to ensure the presence of both the prosecutor and the interested parties. The date of a new court session was set for 5 April.
Details in the video.