The Acting Head of the Archive Department of the Real Estate Registration Unified Unit of the Cadastre Committee was arrested։ 11 persons were charged

During the preliminary investigation of the criminal proceedings being investigated by the RA Anti-Corruption Committee regarding the theft of communal and state-owned land by a former official of the RA Cadastre Committee and other persons, as a result of large-scale measures taken by the operative-investigative department of the committee and investigative actions, new episodes of crimes of a corruption nature were revealed, which including a case of receiving large bribes by an official of the RA Cadastre Committee.

In particular, during the preliminary investigation, facts proving the commission of the crime were obtained, showing that former officials of the RA Cadastre Committee G. M. and D. M., with a preliminary agreement with their close people, Acting Head of the Archive Department of the Real Estate Registration Unified Unit of the Cadastre Committee H.A. and other officials abusing their official powers and committing official forgeries, 11 state and community-owned plots of land with a market value of AMD 5.6 billion in Nork-Marash, Ajapniak and Kentron administrative districts of Yerevan were fraudulently stolen.

In addition, H. A. received a bribe of AMD 2 million from his close friend G. M. and the person represented by the latter, for organizing the process of illegally entering the fake documents in the cadastral file on the state-owned land plot with the market value of AMD 209 million. Further, according to the agreement, on 9 April, 2020, H.A. organized the entry of the above-mentioned false documents into the electronic system of cadastral affairs, where information was included that Ts.G. is allegedly the owner of the plot.

In addition, official H.A., being informed that G.M. has already taken a direct part in the theft of particularly large plots of land by deception, and also being well aware of the features of the fake documents in the cadastral files of a number of plots; Based on his personal interest in helping G.M., using his official position against the interests of the service, during 2021 he illegally entered the data of various persons as the owners of the mentioned plots in the electronic system of the RA Cadastre Committee.

As a result of abuse of official powers by H.A. significant damage was caused to the legal interests of the state, that is, 5 plots of land with a total value of AMD 2,343,611,164, which are community and state property, were taken out of the state’s balance sheet and passed under the management of other persons.

H.A. was charged under Article 435, Part 2, Clause 2 of the RA Criminal Code and article 308 part 2 of the RA Criminal Code in force at the time of the act (entered into force on 01.08.2003, expired on 01.07.2022). Detention was chosen as a measure of restraint against him.

In general, 11 persons were charged during the preliminary investigation of the mentioned criminal proceedings. The investigation is ongoing. Necessary investigative actions and operative-investigative measures are being taken in order to find out the identities of all persons involved in the criminal scheme of theft of communal and state-owned lands, including those who held positions in the RA Cadastre Committee and Yerevan Municipality, who apparently abused their official position and committed official forgery.

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