Vardenyats mountain pass is closed for cars with trailers and difficult-to-pass for passenger cars

The “Road Department” Fund informs that as of 09:00 on 31 January, the roads of Goris Marz (asphalt concrete cover is open) are icy in places.

Vardenyats mountain pass (there is snow on the asphalt concrete surface) is closed for vehicles with trailers, and difficult-to-pass passenger cars.

Roads in the Jermuk region (there is snow on the asphalt-concrete cover) are impassable for vehicles with trailers. Drivers of trailers are advised to use tire chains.

It is snowing in Saravan mountain pass in Jermuk region.

Road builders are cleaning the roads and working with salt and sand.

All interstate-national highways are open.

To avoid accidents and traffic jams, drivers are advised to use only winter tires.

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