Hayk Marutyan has no reason or intention to resign: Hakob Karapetyan

Hakob Karapetyan, Spokesman for the Mayor of Yerevan does not want to comment on the process initiated by the members of the “My Step” Faction of the Council of Elders to express no confidence in Mayor Hayk Marutyan.

Karapetyan emphasized that according to media reports, a group of members of the Council of Elders have started a process of expressing no confidence in the Mayor, but there is no official initiative at the moment.

To the question, is it possible for Mayor Hayk Marutyan to resign before the start of such an initiative, Karapetyan answered,

“The Mayor has no reason or intention to resign “

It should be reminded that Armen Kotolyan, a member of the “My Step” faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders, said on 15 December that the “My Step” faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders has initiated a process of expressing no confidence in Mayor Hayk Marutyan.

Hayk Marutyan was elected Mayor of Yerevan in 2018, as a result of the 23 September elections. Marutyan was the first on the list of the “My Step” Alliance.


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