After my statements made in the National Assembly yesterday, the Russian side presented proposals: Nikol Pashinyan

The regular Cabinet meeting took place today, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Prior to the discussion of the agenda, the Prime Minister made a statement on demarcation and delimitation of the borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In his speech, Nikol Pashinyan said,

“Good morning dear colleagues,

During the questions and answers session at the National Assembly yesterday, I said that since May, 2021 there’ve been three proposals from the Russian Federation on demarcation and delimitation of borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and all three were basically acceptable for us and continue being acceptable.

After my statements yesterday, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation made proposals regarding a preparatory phase for demarcation and delimitation. And I’d like to reaffirm that these proposals are acceptable for us.

Mr. Papikyan, please, clarify the details with your counterpart from the Russian Federation and we will try to implement based and in the sidelines of the proposals made by the Russian Federation”.

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