Harmed himself to avoid the Military Service

The Court of General Jurisdiction of Tavush marz considers the criminal case against Paruyr M.


Paruyr is a soldier of the 3st detachment of 2nd notch of the 9th company of the X regiment of the RA Ministry of Defense. He is charged in the offense for harming his hand with a nail with intention to avoid the military service. After he got the injury on 18.12.2012, he was taken to the military hospital where he stayed till 16. 02.2013. Actually he escaped from the military service for around 2 months.


The means of restraint was set to leave under the control of the commander.


Pursuant to Article 363 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, “Evasion from military service by a serviceman through maiming, feigned disease, forgery of documents or other fraud, is punished with arrest for the term of up to 3 months, or with up to 3 years in disciplinary battalion.”


Note. Everyone charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court verdict lawfully entered into force as prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code.


Source: Iravaban.net

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