The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the visa-free regime between Armenia and Azerbaijan

The agreement on visa-free travel of citizens of the CIS member states, signed in Bishkek on 9 October, 1992, establishes a regime for visa-free entry, exit and movement of citizens to each other’s territory, the possibility of regulating these procedures by national law, the power to make arrangements. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

“Later, the regime of visa-free visits with a number of CIS member states was supplemented or replaced by bilateral agreements.

In special cases, the entry of citizens of both countries into the Republic of Armenia or Azerbaijan is in fact carried out on the basis of a special permit under the direct control of the competent authorities.

Pursuant to Article 6.1 of the Law on Foreigners, the condition for foreigners to enter the Republic of Armenia is the permission of the authorized public administration body (border guard service) authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia, which applies to any foreigner, regardless of visa regime or visa requirement.

The above-mentioned information has always been available on the website of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

It should be reminded that today published the list of the countries with which the citizens of the following states are exempted from the requirement to obtain an entry visa in case of having valid passports of the mentioned types.

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