25 and 73-year-old residents of Artsakh were killed by Azerbaijani saboteurs in the city of Hadrut։ A criminal case has been initiated

“A criminal case has been initiated on the case of brutal killing of two Artsakh residents during the aggressive war unleashed by the Republic of Azerbaijan against the Artsakh Republic.” Gor Abrahamyan, Adviser to the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia, wrote about this on his Facebook page.

“A video has been actively spread on social networks today, where it is seen how the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for obvious motives of national hatred, open fire on an unarmed, defenseless old woman and a young man, continuing to shoot on the fallen bodies with extreme cruelty.

A criminal case has been initiated by the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Artsakh Republic in accordance with Article 416, Part 1, Clause 1 of the Criminal Code of the Artsakh Republic.

According to the factual data obtained as a result of the measures taken, two civilians, de facto captives, who had de facto protection status, were resident of the city of Hadrut, B.H. born in 1947 and resident of Tayk village, Hadrut region Y.A. born in 1995. The murder, in serious violation of international humanitarian law, was committed by servicemen of a subversive group of the Republic of Azerbaijan during their penetration into the city of Hadrut, on Arthur Mkrtchyan Street,” he wrote.


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