The Government of the Republic of Armenia has declared a state of emergency in the territory of the Republic of Armenia from 16 March to 14 April, 2020. We urge to ensure unconditionally the implementation of the government’s decision to declare a state of emergency, as well as the decisions taken by the Commandant and the competent state authorities on its basis, and the instructions given by the competent authorities.
Armenian Unified Infocenter reports.
At the same time note that Article 182.3 of the RA Code of Administrative Offenses establishes responsibility for violating the rules of the state of emergency regime.
In particular:
- Breach of the special regime of entry into and exit from the State of Emergency area shall result in the imposing of a penalty in the amount of 50-70 thousand AMD.
- Violation of the restrictions on the implementation of certain types of financial-economic activity during the state of emergency results in the imposing of a penalty in the amount of 100-300 thousand AMD.
- Violation of the prohibition of strikes and other measures to suspend or suspend the activity of legal entities during an emergency situation shall result in the imposing of a penalty in the amount of 50-200 thousand AMD.
- Violation of the restrictions on the movement of vehicles during the state of emergency, as well as impeding the inspection of these vehicles, shall result in the imposing of a penalty in the amount of 50-100 thousand AMD.
- Issuance of publications, reports by the mass media that are forbidden during the state of emergency, results in the imposing of a penalty in the amount of 500-800 thousand AMD.