Karen Khachatryan, former head of the SRC’s Internal Security Department, was released on bail. Late in the evening, the Yerevan Court of First Instance upheld the Khachatryan’s lawyer’s motion to declare the pledge admissible and to establish a reasonable size for pledge.
“I would like to record that this was an important but belated decision by the court. There were no grounds to detain Karen Khachatryan. He has been in detention for a long time, about five months, and from the very first day we were justified in saying that there was no need to detain Karen Khachatryan. This time the court was at its height and made a legal decision,” lawyer Amram Makinyan said during a briefing in front of the court.
Notably, Karen Khachatryan’s detention was extended for two months. The amount is set at 20 million AMD. Advocate Amram Makinyan pointed out months ago that the key to Karen Khachatryan’s case was his surname.