Inheritance of Unpaid Sums of Wages, Pensions, Benefits, and Payments in Compensation for Harm

The right to receipt of sums of wages, pensions, benefits, and payments in compensation of harm to life or health that were subject to payment to a citizen but were not received by him during his life for any reason whatsoever shall belong to the members of the family of the decedent and also to his dependents who are not able to work.


Claims for the payment of sums on the mentioned basis must be presented within six months from the day of opening of the inheritance.


If there are no persons who would have had the right to the receipt of the sums not paid to the decedent or if they have not made demands for payment of these sums within the established time period, the respective sums shall be included in the composition of the inheritance and shall be inherited on the general bases provided by the present Code.


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