Another Victim is discharged from the Hospital


As a result of the incident which took place in  the territory of the RA Police Patrol Service Regiment, 4 citizens of the victims are getting stationary treatment, 2 of them in “Erebuni” MC. Anahit Haytayan, the   spokesman  of Health Minister informs about this.

The specialists find the state of the person in reanimation stable with positive motives. He breathes on his own; the state corresponds to the post operation period. The state of the other patient in this centre is sufficient.

The state of the victim who is in DM Central Military Hospital is estimated sufficient.

The specialists estimate the state of the victim who is in reanimation of “Heratsi” number 1 hospital complex as stable heavy; he/she breathes through artificial breathing device.

Yesterday, the victim who got necessary medical assistance was discharged from “Saint Grigor Lusavorich” MC.

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