“How is the Testamentary Legacy accepted?” Explanation of the Notary Public

– Testamentary legacy is accepted through submitting application to the notary office in the six months term provided by law. That is, the testamentary legacy cannot be accepted on the grounds of factual possession on the assumption of the fact that in case where the successor fails to undertake measures to accept the testamentary legacy, the inheritance is executed by the law. This is the position of the Cassation Court of the RA expressed in the civil case N YAKD/1018/02/09 on 01.07.2011.


Anna Torosyan,

Notary Public of Malatya District.


“Public Notary Clarifies” heading is the joint initiative of Iravaban.net and the Notary Chamber of the RA, which is aimed to raise the level of legal awareness of the population.


Source: Iravaban.net

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