How long do the RA Citizens rest?

In compliance with the RA labor Code the minimal duration of the annual vacation in case of a five days’ working week is 20 working days, or 28 days Saturdays and Sundays including. In case of six days’ working week it is 24 working days, or 28 days Sundays including. How long are the vacations of the citizens of other countries?
In Russia the employees have the right to 28 days’ vacation.
In the US the annual vacations last 10 days average, as the length of the vacation and the order of payment are regulated by the labor contract between the employer and the employee.
The annual vacation in France is 30 days. However the employees who worked more than 10 years in the same entity may enjoy an eleven months paid vacation.
In Norway, in case of 37,5 hours working week the employees have the right to a 5 weeks annual vacation, of which minimum 3 weeks may be used in summer . Employees over 60 years of age have the right to one more additional week for rest.
Japanese have the right to 18 days annual vacation, however not everyone use these days immediately.
In his interview to, Mr. Karen Zadoyan, President of the AYLA said that according to the mutual agreement of the employer and employee the annual vacation may be provided in parts. In such case one part of the vacation should include minimum 10 working days, in case of a 5 days working week and minimum 12 working days in case of a 6 days working week.
“Payment for the annual vacation is realizes not later than 3 days prior to the vacation period. In case when the payment for the vacation is not paid on reasons that do not depend on the employee, the term of the vacation is extended for the same amount of days which were not paid. The payment for the extended vacation is realized in the same way as for the annual vacation,” he said


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