As a result of applications received in the Compulsory Enforcement Service from some citizens who had paid the sums due to levy to the former Enforcement Officer G. Sargsyan, it was revealed that the latter during his being in office used those funds on his own discretion and did not pass them to the claimants. The Chief Compulsory Enforcement Service of the RA informs.
Examining the applications and taking into account the facts that the actions of the former Enforcement Officer might involve features of criminal actions provided by the law, Major General of Justice Mihran Poghosyan, the Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer of the Republic of Armenia, sent the materials with the corresponding letter to Special Investigation Service of the RA, for the assessment of the mentioned criminal activity.
Notably, Lieutenant G. Sargsyan, the former Enforcement Officer, was dismissed from office on 01.02.2014 by the order of the Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer of the Republic of Armenia.