Boy accused of killing his Father

The Court of General Jurisdiction of Lori marz under the presidency of Judge Aghasi Mkoyan, considers the case on accusation of Vanik Julhakya, a 32-year-old fellow, previously not convicted.

On 4 September, 2013, under the influence of alcohol he intentionally illegally killed his father, Samvel Julhakyan.

The case is initiated under the provisions of Part 1 of Article 104 of the RA Criminal Code. That is “Murder is illegal willful deprivation of one’s life punished with imprisonment for 8 to 15 years.”

According to Judicial information System, detention was set as a preventive measure.

Note. Everyone charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court verdict lawfully entered into force as prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code.

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