The Key to Armenian CSOs’ Financial Sustainability Success is Initiating Constructive Dialogue Between CSOs and the State: Karen Zadoyan

On September 13 of this year, a discussion was held at the central office of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association aimed at improving the financial sustainability of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The discussion was part of the “Comprehensive Promotion of CSO Financial Sustainability in Armenia” project. The project is implemented by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association within the framework of the “Active Civil Society” program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Counterpart International in partnership with the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development.

The discussion was attended by representatives from civil society organizations, relevant state bodies, international organizations, and experts.

At the start of the meeting, Karen Zadoyan, President of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, and Magda Avetisyan, Director of the “Active Civil Society” program, welcomed the participants, highlighting the importance of close cooperation between state structures, civil society, and international organizations on this issue.

The meeting continued with a presentation of the “Comprehensive Promotion of CSO Financial Sustainability in Armenia” project implemented by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association. Karen Zadoyan first discussed the project’s objectives, planned activities and actions, policy documents envisioned within the project, and then addressed the results and vision that the project pursues.

“An individual or state body might be able to provide a solution for one node of the system, but collective efforts are necessary for regulating the entire system,” noted the ALA President, adding that the key to the project’s success, in its initial phase, is launching constructive dialogue that will become a bridge for CSO-state cooperation.

Project expert Syuzanna Soghomonyan discussed provisions of the CSO financial sustainability improvement concept, referring to successful international experiences and individual countries’ donation mechanisms, such as those in Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, and other countries.

“As a result of completed and planned studies, as well as upcoming observations and recommendations, it will become clear which country’s or countries’ effective mechanisms are most appropriate to localize in Armenia,” the expert concluded.

During the discussion, CSO sector expert and author of the “CSO Meter” report Tatevik Margaryan noted that regarding this issue, it’s very important to demonstrate what kind of added value, in terms of socio-economic results, the allocation of 1% of income tax to the public sector could create.

According to Arthur Manukyan, Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee, when studying international experience, greater emphasis should be placed on several components and indicators, such as social guarantees, which should be compared with existing indicators in Armenia to achieve positive results.

Within the framework of the meeting, a working platform was also formed, consisting of representatives from interested state administration bodies and specialized CSOs, aimed at coordinating work carried out within the project and conducting continuous discussions and dialogues.

At the end of the meeting, participants expressed hope that the project and the working platform formed within its framework would have positive results and serve to increase CSO financial sustainability.

The meeting was also attended by Hrachuhi Jabaghyan, Acting Head of the Non-Profit Organizations Control Department of the State Revenue Committee, Elena Sargsyan, Chief Legal Counsel of the Legal Support Division of the Ministry of Economy’s Legal Department, Ministry of Justice representatives Irina Shahumyan and Tehmine Papoyan, Counterpart International staff member Diana Ter-Stepanyan, Arpine Hakobyan, President of the “NGO Center” Civil Society Development NGO, Armine Podosyan, President of the “UN Armenian Association” NGO, Artak Kirakosyan, President of the “Civil Society Institute” NGO, Gharib Harutyunyan, President of “Compass” Research, Educational and Consulting Center, Satik Badeyan, representative of the “Center for Territorial Development and Research” NGO, and expert Armen Petrosyan.


This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Armenian Lawyers Association, a subrecipient of Counterpart International, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government or Counterpart International.

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