Regulations of Border Delimitation Commissions Comply with the RA Constitution

The obligations enshrined in the “Regulations on the Joint Activities of the Commission on State Border Delimitation and Border Security Issues between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Commission on State Border Delimitation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia”, signed on August 30, 2024, comply with the Constitution.

According to, the Constitutional Court’s decision was published today, is final, and enters into force from the moment of its publication.

As a reminder, on August 30, the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Armenia and Azerbaijan had signed regulations on the joint activities of the border demarcation and delimitation commissions. On September 5, the Armenian government approved the ratification of the regulations on the joint work of the delimitation commissions with Azerbaijan, after which the document was sent to the Constitutional Court.

The case was examined through a written procedure. Constitutional Court judges Vahe Grigoryan, David Khachaturyan, and Edgar Shatiryan were appointed as rapporteurs.

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