HAYQ call to Islam, Leaders and Peoples of Arab Countries and Iran and the Ancient Civilizations Forum and the Countries and Peoples of the Greater Middle East
“The Jewish world discovered a technology of informational and political support for the genocides they needed. That was new for lots of people. The technology was expressed in the form of an addressed letter to a small number of Armenian political leadership with a statement sent by 500 rabbis of Europe.
The essence of these technologies is to present to the country that has committed genocides against dozens of peoples in its territory / Azerbaijan/, to present humanism and with a halo of tolerance. In a letter, demand the removal of the phrases “genocide”, “Holocaust”, etc. in the discourses around Artsakh – the last remaining national home, because such statements offend the ears of the Jews, and such statements themselves are legitimate only when applied to the events of the Holocaust of the Jews. The rabbis’ letter demands informational silence for the careless destruction of Artsakh’s population without any consequences. In fact, this technology is not new, since it was the grandfathers of these rabbis, a hundred years ago in Europe and especially Germany, who carried out information cover for the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, representing the humanism and tolerance of the latter, while the Zionist brigades were there in concentration camps. Camps for Armenians were engaged in filtering the Armenian population with the subsequent confiscation of their property.
An important role in today’s process is assigned to Russia, which continues to carry out the same mission in Artsakh and Armenia within the framework of the famous Trotskyist program called “Lenin-Ataturk”. The Russian Foreign Ministry provides information cover, and security forces in the form of peacekeepers in Artsakh, the armed forces of Azerbaijan and all kinds of Russian security and proxy structures in Armenia ensure the dismantling of Armenian statehood and the exodus of the population. There were some hiccups in Artsakh, so teams of rabbis were forced to speak out openly. But this is another facet of the technology presented.”
Khachik Chalikyan – “Council of 12” of the Panarmenian Intelligentsia
Levon Beklaryan – Hayq Civilizational Council