The Name of the New Prime Minister will be announced Tomorrow

The Republican Party of Armenia will discuss the issue of appointment of the new Prime Minister today. Already 9 days have passed after the resignation of the RA Government. Tomorrow we shall know who will be next prime minister of the RA. On this occasion the RPA Executive Body shall hold a meeting today at 18:00, which will be followed by the session of the RPA Board.


The President of the Republic shall, on the basis of the distribution of the seats in the National Assembly and consultations held with the parliamentary factions, appoint as Prime Minister the person enjoying confidence of the majority of the Deputies and if this is impossible the President of the Republic shall appoint as the Prime Minister the person enjoying confidence of the maximum number of the Deputies. The norm is provided by Article 55 (4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.


The President of the Republic shall appoint the Prime Minister within ten days after acceptance of the resignation of the Government. The Government shall be formed within 20 days after the appointment of the Prime Minister.



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