Goris Mayor Arush Arushanyan was summoned after his statement: Deputy Mayor about the situation in Syunik

Goris Mayor Arush Arushanyan was summoned hours ago.  Goris deputy mayor Irina Yolian told Iravaban.net.

“The police summoned Arush Arushanyan a few hours ago, after the mayor announced that the people of Goris would close the road and would not allow Nikol Pashinyan to enter the region. Immediately after that announcement, the mayor was summoned.

Now the people of Syunik are gathered in the center of the road and have closed the road. Dozens of police cars were transported to Syunik region all night.  Currently, no car enters or leaves Goris, there are of huge accumulations of cars, many people are gathered,” Yolyan said.

It should be noted that a while ago, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said live that the decision to go to Syunik region was made not to inflame passions there, but to look into their eyes and answer their questions.

The deputy mayor said about this:  “The people of Syunik are here, if there is any problem in listening to the people of Syunik: thousands of people have come here, there are hundreds of cars, he can come and look directly, not send dozens of police cars to hinder the free and unimpeded movement of the people of Syunik.”


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