Which is the Highest Permitted Speed in Armenia?

According to the RA Traffic Rules the highest permitted speed on the roads of the RA is 60 kilometers per hour in the settlements and 90 kilometers per hour out of the settlements.

In Yerevan and on the interstate roads in the places of installment of speed radars where the capacity of the road allow installing traffic signs which regulate the speed, corresponding traffic signs are already installed. Specifically in Yerevan city on the new road of Saralanji (70 km/h), Admiral Isakov (80km/h), and Arshakunyats (80km/h). In places where the permitted speed is less than the lowest permitted speed: In Yerevan (Rubinyants and Artashisyan streets – 40km/h, in Echmiatsin city 40 km/h), in Aparan and Dilijan cities 50 km/h, on Yerevan – Sevan highway 70 km/h). It is worth to mention that all the mentioned limitations of speed had been set before the installation of speed radars and were specified due to the risks of traffic incidents in that sections of the roads. The highest permeated speed in Bagratashen border crossing area of Tax service is 20 km/h, which is regulated by the international requirements for such areas. Installation of speed radars in the mentioned areas is stipulated by the circumstance that despite the established low speeds standard the statistics of traffic incidents prove that the latter are the result of ignoring the traffic signs by the drivers.

Also based on numerous concerns and recommendations from the citizens, public organizations and the NA members, currently the possibility of installation of traffic signs which allow to move in a higher speed than is established in certain sections of the road is being considered.

Notably, installation of speed radars and video recorders already showed positive results as the number of the road incidents and deaths has been reduced.

According to the statistics in 2012, which considered 1031 traffic incidents, these resulted 63 human losses and 1306 people were injured. As compared with the past year the number of traffic incidents has increased by 15, but the number of loses decreased by 29, the number of injured decreased by 42.

The Traffic Police once and again applies to the drivers urging to maintain the traffic rules.

Source: Iravaban.net


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