Conducting of entrepreneurial activity

A citizen has the right to create business organizations or to be a participant in them for the conduct of entrepreneurial activity.


A citizen has the right to perform entrepreneurial activity without the formation of a legal entity from the time of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.


The citizens have the right to perform entrepreneurial activity without the state registration (formation of a legal entity or being registered as an individual entrepreneur) if they are patent fee payers or have made a contract for joint operation with the aim to manufacture agricultural products. The citizens engaged in agricultural production are the subjects of entrepreneurial activity only within the contract for joint operation.


The rules of the Civil Code that regulate the activity of legal entities that are commercial organizations shall be applied to entrepreneurial activity of citizens conducted without the formation of a legal entity, unless it otherwise follows from a statute, other legal acts or the nature of the legal relationship.


A court may apply the rules of the present Code on obligations connected with the conduct of entrepreneurial activity to transactions of a citizen who is performing entrepreneurial activity in violation of the requirements of Law.



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