A new Draft Law on Prevention of Corruption and the Body on Prevention of Corruption has been developed and submitted for public discussion. Notably, recently another similar Draft Law on Prevention of Corruption and Ethics Commission was developed, and submitted to public discussions, however the active part of the society was not even aware about it.
Under this new law, the anti-corruption body shall have the same composition and structure as the currently operating Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials.
In response to our question whether this body could function efficiently, parliamentary candidate from “Yelk” Alliance Mane Tandilyan said:
How can people and structures that are the beneficiaries of the corruption pyramid fight against corruption when there is a clear conflict of interests. I do not believe that officials want to have corruption prevention mechanisms in the areas under their jurisdiction, but do not have enough leverages to do that, there iss no such thing! On the other hand, the body should be entirely independent.”
As for the effectiveness of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials Mane Tandilyan mentioned, “While the Commission does not have full independence and conflict of interest issue is not resolved, it cannot give any result and there will be a formality, as it is today.”