Criminal Law will strictly lament for them: The former Deputy Prosecutor General about the Corrupt Officials

Armen Danielyan, the former Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia  wrote in his Facebook page.

“When we talk about the fight against corruption and, frankly, I think that this evil should have been completely eliminated from our lives, and in general we should have speak about that evil in the past tense.

The mode of thinking that if you are an official you should be rich and fat should have been eliminated from our minds. Officials must have the ability to look downright at honesty and fairness. I always speak with pride and I want it to be contagious. My perceptions about fight against corruption were uncompromising and tough.

In my work I always legality, impartiality, and in addition I have made it the supreme principle and my lifestyle. During the tenure of five and a half years, I was inimical towards such officials.

Today I am amazed when I hear about the corrupt officials. Let me explain why I am amazed. In 2008, when I was appointed to the position of Deputy Prosecutor General, the President ordered the be 1000 percent honest and incorruptible in any situation. Show on personal example what it means to be an honest man. Those words became the landmark of my life.

So far, I am sure that the President, without any exception, had urged and ordered all officials to be impartial and honest.

But the officials, who did not understand the value of those word, just the lost and sooner or later, the criminal law will strictly lament for them.”