The Incomes Declared by the Head of the Control Service of the RA Prime Minister

Head of the Control Service of the RA Prime Minister Sargis Abrahami Grigoryan holds this position since 22 August 2003. According to the Annual Income and Properties Declaration published by the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials, at the beginning of 2013 the official declared 6.100.000 AMD, which decreased by the end of the fiscal year, becoming 2.000.000 AMD, as well as he declared 100.000 USD and 5.000 EUR, which stayed unchanged by the end of the fiscal year.

In 2013 S. Grigoryanss job salary and equal payments accounted for 2.069,067 AMD.

As an affiliated person S. Grigoryan`s wife Armine Kocharyan also presented a declaration, and according to the Annual Income and Properties Declaration published by the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials, she declared 56.650.000 AMD in the year of 2013, and it decreased to 45.000.000 AMD by the end of the year. The loans received accounted for 80.000 USD and 41.000.000 AMD.