Yes, I am a former Chief of Police, but it does not mean that I am not a Future Minister: Vladimir Gasparyan’s Statement in Court

On 13 June, the hearing on the case of former Chief of Police Vladimir Gasparyan was continued in the Anti-Corruption Court . Judge Suren Khachatryan presided over the Court  hearing.

The indictment, stated that Gasparyan, knowing that Susanna Sardaryan (Gasparyan), who is in a de facto marital relationship with him, did not show at workplace at the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense and never performed the official duties arising from the position, and she was paid the salary. The state suffered a particularly large loss of 17 million 275 thousand 721 drams.

According to witnesses Syuzanna Movsesyan, notified by the Court , appeared at this session.

The Court  sent summons through the police to the other witnesses as well; in particular, Vahan Najarian, Knarik Sasunyan and Koryun Mkrtchyan, except for Knarik Sasunyan, the relevant police department still had no records regarding the latter.

Witness Syuzanna Movsesyan stated in the Court  that she knows Vladimir Gasparyan’s wife, met her at the latter’s concerts and events, and communicated with her.

She was a teacher of vocal at the cultural center, worked with children, taught 3 days a week for two hours with Armen Gevorgyan and Knarik Sasunyan.

“We were working on songs. We went to concerts on 1 June, on Police Day, the Opera, different places, it happened that we were going to film in several places a day, the police car came and took us with the children to do that,” Movsesyan said.

In reply to the Public Prosecutor’s question regarding who the organizational actions of the House of Culture were coordinated with, who dealt with those issues, the witness replied that Armen Gevorgyan and his wife, Knarik, told him about everything.

– Under what circumstances did you communicate with Vladimir Gasparyan’s wife?

– I saw her at the events, I went to classes with Knarik, they used to sit there, and I wrote a song for Angelina Gasparyan, Armen Gevorgyan had asked for it.

– Has Vladimir Gasparyan’s wife ever contacted you about the organizational issues of the Police House of Culture, did she give any instructions?

– No, only Knarik and Armen Gevorgyan.

– Did you find out whether the latter worked in the police or not?

– I am not aware, I do not know what happened, but I saw her there.

Vladimir Gasparyan’s defense attorney Erik Aleksanyan asked a question, saying if she could describe the role Syusanna Gasparyan had during the events, what she was doing there, whether she was seen in contact with Armen Gevorgyan or not.

The witness answered that she had seen Gasparyan’s wife with Knarik more often. Classes started at 5 o’clock, she practiced and left. She did not  see her every time, but she did see her from time to time. “I went to class 3 days a week, but when there was a concert in that building, we performed in that building, but mostly it was at the Opera House or the car came and took us somewhere near the city. Even Agapi, the secretary, was with us.”

To the judge’s question, who with she coordinated the teaching programs, the taught subjects, the witness said, with Armen Gevorgyan. She mentioned that she had seen Gasparyan’s wife in the hall of the center, which was downstairs, on working days of the events.


Prosecutor Armen Gevorgyan told Movsesyan:

– During my questioning, you said that you communicated when you dedicated a song to Angelina Gasparyan, during concerts and events, and then when answering the questions of Mr. Aleksanyan and the Court , you said that you also communicated on other occasions, in particular, 3 days a week, when you had classes for 2 hours. First you said: “I have seen her in some cases,” then Mr. Aleksanyan asked a question, whether we can record that you have seen her permanently, you said ‘yes’. There are logical differences between those 3 answers, please tell me, have you seen them during the rehearsals of concerts and events ?

– No, she did not enter the room with regard to issues related to music, only Armen Gevorgyan and Knarik were there at that time. I saw them at their offices on working days.

In reply to Erik Aleksanyan’s question about the profession of Armen Gevorgyan and Knarik, the witness said: Gevorgyan was a musician, and Knarik was his student, and she was a musician as well.

– Do you think that Armen Gevorgyan and Knarik being musicians should directly participate in that musical processes, and Mrs. Gasparyan, not being a musician, could not necessarily participate?

– Of course, initially, when I went to work there, I went with Armen Gevorgyan’s support, because it was a great honor for me to work with such a musician like he is.

The questioning of the witness ended, after which the accused Vladimir Gasparyan made a statement saying: “Preparation of concert is different, rehearsals of song are different, and this girl had her lessons for 2 hours and left. No one had enough fantasy, even if they know that she is the wife of the Chief Police, to ask her in what position she worked. I think you will not allow yourself to ask your superiors such questions. In addition I am not the past, where do you know from that I am not the future? Yes, I am a former Chief of Police, but it does not mean that I am not a future minister, because currently it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The session was adjourned. The next Court  hearing in this case will be held on 25 June.

Mariam Shahnazaryan

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