Police has closed the road from Kapan, the vehicles are directed by Tatev road: NSS Border Troops Officer

The vehicles in the given section, including trucks, cars, both with RA license plates and cars with foreign license plates, were evacuated, so that there is no problem with the citizens. Deputy Commander of the Border Troops Armen Mkrtchyan informed some details.

“The area is about 5-6 km, I cannot say for sure at the moment, but there is no population, all citizens have been evacuated, both to Armenians and foriegners,” he said.

According to him, the road from Kapan has been closed by the police; the vehicles are directed through Tatev road, cars are also directed from Sisian to pass through a bypass road.

Earlier, the NSS reported that the Azerbaijani side closed the Karmrakar-Shurnukh section of the Kapan-Goris interstate road at night. According to the report, the vehicles in that area were evacuated. Work is being done to open the road, to restore the normal operation of the movement of people and vehicles.

Notably, the RA Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan also reported that the Azerbaijani armed forces had recently closed the road leading from Goris to Vorotan in Syunik region.


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