It was confirmed that the church of St. John the Baptist, in the Azerbaijani-controlled town of Shushi, had been destroyed: The Human Rights Defender on the cultural heritage under the rule of Azerbaijan

The RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan reports:

“We publish only facts and questions arising from those facts. What is this, if not ethnic-religious based hatred at the highest level of government; what is this, if not evidence of the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Artsakh; what is this, if not fascism?

The words of the President of Azerbaijan in literal translation during his visit of the XVII century Surb Astvatsatsin Armenian Church in the village of Tsakuri, in the Hadrut region of Artsakh: “This is an Albanian church. The Armenians tried to Armenianize this church, they wrote inscriptions in Armenian here, but they did not succeed. This is our ancient temple, the temple of our oudi brothers, they too will come here. Just as our mosques were desecrated, so were the ancient Albanian temples desecrated by the Armenians. But we will restore, all these writings are false. These are the posts added later. They have created a false story for themselves. Meanwhile, they did not succeed. (…) Is a Turkish mosque. They falsified everything and turned it into a garbage dump. “Look at what they’ve done to place, and then they say it is Armenian.”

The 12th century Surb Astvatsatsin church in Tsakuri village is the former monastery complex of the village “Tsaghkavank”, from which the “Surb Astvatsatsin” church has been preserved. According to the khachkars, it dates back to 1198 and differs by its round door. The church is a masterpiece of medieval architecture and culture of Artsakh.

A few days ago, it was confirmed that the church of St. John the Baptist, popularly known as “Green Hour” in the Azerbaijani-controlled town of Shushi, had been destroyed. Moreover, the church was destroyed not during the war, not during the armed attacks, but afterwards.

These facts have been recorded by the Republic of Armenia (RA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its March 18, 2021 statement.

The RA Human Rights Defender will send the records of these facts to the relevant international bodies.

But we especially note that for years in Azerbaijan hatred and enmity towards Armenians has been sown in this way at the highest state level, and it is not only hatred based on ethnicity, but it is also religious hatred.

The facts published by this statement clearly prove that in during the September-November war in Artsakh, the Azerbaijani authorities carried out ethnic cleansing and a policy of genocide; and, that policy continues today.

These same speeches and words of the President of Azerbaijan inspired the Azerbaijani soldiers to torture and behead, dismember bodies and commit other atrocities against Armenian servicemen and civilians in the April 2016 April and during the September-November 2020 war.”

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