Documents Directed to the Court are primarily registered in the Bureau

All documents received by the court, except for the documents submitted and registered during the court proceedings, are accepted, verified, registered (recorded) in the Bureau of the Court, and further in compliance with the assignment (direction) are submitted by to the appropriate person (department).

Court documents are filed by hand or through the mail (courier) service.

Upon receiving the documents by hand the court officer checks the completeness of the documents in compliance with the checklist or any other available document or attachment.

After checking the presence of all documents submitted, the responsible court officer affixes the receipt on copies or the second copy of the documents, fills in the date of receipt (the time if necessary) and confirms the receipt of the document by his/her signature.

All envelops and post deliveries, except for those marked as “confidential” are opened by the responsible court officer

Confidential circulation of the confidential documents is realized by the corresponding authorized officer.

The envelops are attached to the documents and kept with them. In case of different documents sent in one envelop, the envelop shall be copied on a copier and the copies are attached to all documents received in this envelop, or the single envelop is attached to one document and corresponding notice of the number of document with attached envelop is made on the other documents.

The responsible officer of the bureau verifies the addresses on the documents, envelops, packages and other post deliveries, as well as the integrity of all documents received and their correspondence with the checklist. Further, he/she affixes them, puts the date of receipt, categorizes and records in the entry register. After that, in compliance with the assignment (direction) submits the documents to the appropriate person (department).


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