Young Lawyer Arnold Vardanyan, Assistant to the Judge of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun Administrative Districts Arsen Nikoghosyan answers’s questions. The lawyer hopes that the number of legal acts shall not affect their quality.
-The 2016 is already a history, what did it give to our country, and what was your greatest achievement and failure?
– Assessing the combination of the events of the past year, I think that it was a very difficult year for our country.
As for me, probably the most noticeable achievement is that after years of studying the theory I was directly involved in law enforcement practice, gaining opportunity to explore it with its positive and negative occurrences.
– What noticeable legal achievements did you have last year?
– I think legal achievements this year were more episodic and in terms of legal and systemic changes they are expected in 2017, taking into account the number of legal acts that have notable innovations which will be adopted next year. Let’s hope that this does not affect the quality of those acts.
– Were there were ridiculous court cases and legislative acts.
– Frankly speaking ridiculous cases often met in the past year, but it is difficult to remember them.
– If Santa Claus was a lawyer, what position would you give him?
– I think every person should be in his place, and do what he can do best of all. So I would just advise him to continue his mission.
– How and with whom do you celebrate the New Year and Christmas?
– At home, in everyday environment. This year I will try to use these days is more effectively. Do the things that which I do not manage to do due to workload.
– Have you asked a present from Santa Clause that you did not receive?
– To be honest, I have never considered realistic existence of Santa Claus with all the consequences.
– Do you appear as a cook in the kitchen on the occasion of the New Year?
– No, my position on this issue completely coincides with the answer the question of appointing a Santa Claus to a position.
– Your expectations in 2017.
– Successfully come to 2018․