Despite significant achievement in a year Nikolay Baghdasaryan considered it negative: Advocate Nikolay Baghdasaryan answered’s questions.
– 2016 is already a history. What does it gave to our country and what was your greatest achievement and failure?
– I consider the year a failure for the development of our country. My child was born in 2016, and he is my greatest achievement. And the relative failure is that I was disappointed in some people.
-What were the notable achievement in legal field gains in this year?
– I think this year we have not adopted any law that would change our lives.
– Were there any amusing court cases and judicial and legislative acts?
– I think lawsuits continue to be formal, and the ridiculous things I’ve read was that a man had been accused of stealing something with “x” dram value. The Court finds that the value does not exceed thirty thousand AMD, after which the person may accused of theft. The man was acquitted.
But the ridiculous thing is that the media is doing a PR of the judge who is presented as a “hero”.
– If Santa Claus was a lawyer, what position would you give him?
– Chairman of the Court of Cassation.
– How and with whom do you celebrate the New Year and Christmas?
– At home, with my family. But without race of eating a ham or fritter.
– Have you requested a gift from Santa Clause that you did not receive?
– A little wisdom in our population.
– Do you appear as a cook in the kitchen on the occasion of the New Year?
– I love to cook dishes, it is one of my hobbies.
– Your expectations in 2017.
– Great, I think we should do something to change the next year positively for our state.
A. Ch.
Photos from Nikolay Baghdasaryan’s personal archive.